cover image: Our communities, our health, and our future : Understanding and changing the built environment



Our communities, our health, and our future : Understanding and changing the built environment

4 May 2009

"The purpose of this publication is twofold. The first is to provide information specifically related to the HCBE [Healthy Communities and the Built Environment] project. The second is to further inform the reader by conveying additional information and resources in specific topic areas. The publication begins with an overview of the HCBE project and summary of results. The remainder of the document is divided into a collection of modules, each one relating to a particular aspect of how the built environment impacts on health, and containing a positive message of how communities can be designed to promote health. Case studies are used to showcase community-based efforts to create healthy communities ..."--Page 7.
environmental health urban development health promotion community development city planning urban population urban health city dwellers
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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