cover image: Little island big voice : Industry profile and economic impact assessment of PEI's music sector : final report



Little island big voice : Industry profile and economic impact assessment of PEI's music sector : final report

14 Aug 2015

The report comprises of an industry profile, including industry benchmarking, a review of the state of the industry, a SWOT analysis and further recommendations, and an impact assessment, including an analysis of the social, economic and fiscal impacts of the province’s music industry. [...] The Economic and Social Impact of Music on PEI !! The music industry is an important contributor to the social and economic prosperity of PEI, and provides a unique cultural richness and intrinsic value to society. [...] The music industry is an important contributor to the social and economic prosperity of PEI, and is directly related to other key sectors on the province including tourism and the wider cultural and creative industries. [...] In the Throne Speech of November 2014, the Premier of PEI introduced the need for a provincial cultural strategy and signalled the government’s growing appreciation for and commitment to the Island’s arts, cultural and creative industries. [...] Indeed, the music industry has a track record of being the first of the creative industries to experience the seismic shifts and resulting disruption from advances in technology; it also tends to be the first to innovate and adapt to them.
education economy school curriculum economic impact analysis research media canada business creative industries employment music tax economic sector taxes gdp collaboration further education expense teaching and learning survey data canadian economy of croatia prince edward island music trade swot analysis


Lyman, Peter, Chodorowicz, Dustin, Hignell, Stephen

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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