cover image: The use of workplace skills-based prior learning assessment and recognition



The use of workplace skills-based prior learning assessment and recognition

16 Feb 2009

A focus group was held with support agencies and with persons with acquired disabilities prior to the development of instruments to confirm key issues and refinement of the curriculum materials delivered in the portfolio workshops. [...] The research formats included pre- and post- portfolio interviews with participants, participant observation in the classroom, two follow up surveys with participants over the duration of the study, and a focus group near the completion of the study. [...] Of interest was whether and how the portfolio development process (including the workshops and the participants’ development of the physical portfolios) were of benefit to participants in their job search process. [...] A focus group was held with support agencies and also with persons with acquired disabilities at the outset of the study to confirm key issues and to refine the curriculum materials delivered in the portfolio workshops. [...] The research formats included a survey conducted during a participant orientation session, pre- and post-portfolio interviews with participants, participant observation in the classroom, two follow-up surveys with participants over the duration of the study, and a focus group near the completion of the study.
education school curriculum disability employees employment labour leadership persons with disabilities students unemployment people with disabilities qualitative goal data further education employee focus group retention teaching and learning educational assessment job interview physical disabilities international labour organization recognition of prior learning


Gill, Maria

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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