Over the last ten planning context can be seen in the following diagram years, a series of case studies have demonstrated the tight where the community is at the centre and foundation of the connection between resilience (capacity and adaptation to First Nations’ ways of knowing. [...] While not fully OCAP com- The First Nations-Federal Crown Political Accord commits pliant, due to the data continuing to reside outside of First First Nations and the Government of Canada to the Nations possession, this agreement respects First Nations as establishment of a Joint Steering Committee to undertake owners of their data held in Federal and Provincial databas- and oversee cooperative ac [...] To First Nations, The First Nation principle of Control also highlights the being provided with the capacity to manage our own infor- responsibilities of the Nation to the information they man- mation is similar to the Commandment to ensure the prop- age that are similar to the commandments of Accuracy, er safeguards are in place. [...] The First Nation principle of Access is strikingly similar to the Commandment of Individual Access with the obvious The following table summarizes how the First Nations exception of different focuses between a Nation and the principles of OCAP and the CSA 10 Commandments of individual. [...] This view of personal health information being important to understanding and protecting health of “Ultimately, we learned that it is essential to include the broader population mirrors the First Nations view of members of the participating communities in the decision putting the community before the individual.
Mentioned Organizations
- Pages
- 22
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- Canada