cover image: Moving to vision zero



Moving to vision zero

28 Jan 2016

These three parts address the theory, principles, and practices of the strategy, provide an update of road safety trends in British Columbia, and present a showcase of innovative road safety efforts in the province. [...] The Historic Approach Since the invention of motor vehicles and the rise in popularity of motor vehicle transportation through the twentieth century, the historic approach to road safety would, at times, focus on the role and responsibilities of the individual road user in isolation. [...] The Minister of Justice applauded the decision, and reaffirmed that British Columbia’s plan is “to have one of the toughest drinking driving laws in the country and to protect public safety by getting these drivers off the roads.”18 This legislation gives police the tools they need to get alcohol-affected drivers off the province’s roads. [...] This manual is the product of a great deal of hard work and participation of a number of Ministry staff and stakeholder groups such as WorkSafeBC, the BC Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association, and the BC Municipal Safety Association, to name only a few. [...] The October 2015 British Columbia Road Safety Strategy Conference Summary A Safe System Approach emphasizes that improvements in road safety are the result of numerous interactive elements, and that various areas of knowledge and expertise are required in order to link the various parts of a safe road system.


Amit, Dotan, Arason, Neil, Woolsey, Danielle, Mussell, Linda

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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