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Climate change : Opportunity for a bi-lateral approach

3 Jul 2007

The North American Competitiveness Council—a trilateral forum created in March 2006 by the leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States to improve the secure flow of goods and people within North America—could act as a key lever for developing a shared vision of energy and climate change. [...] Accordingly, the Public Policy Forum and the Canada Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center developed this seminar to help advance the collective understanding of policy makers and stakeholders on both sides of the border of the opportunities and challenges in developing a coherent bilateral public policy response to climate change. [...] This panel discussed the policy framework necessary to drive technological innovation in Canada and the United States, including the barriers to accelerating the deployment of a portfolio of low-emission technologies. [...] PUBLIC POLICY FORUM The first section of the report summarizes a keynote address from The Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and Chair of the Cabinet Committee on Environment and Energy Security, at the Canadian Embassy in Washington D. C. on May 22nd. [...] The future, and of the necessary policy framework to get purpose of the event was to there.
sustainable development environment climate change government politics financing air pollution renewable energy economy coal global warming technological innovation science and technology climate change mitigation natural resources canada climatic change environmental pollution carbon capture and storage financial competition (companies) carbon emission trading coal pollution mitigation clean coal jim prentice igcc clean coal technology prentice financial analyst


Lister, Michael

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