cover image: The history : Histoire



The history : Histoire

19 Oct 2015

In each of the volume’s ve sections, the Commissioners present a series of Calls to Action intended to redress the injustices and inequities that are the legacy of the residential school system and the long-standing policies of assimilation that gave birth to it. [...] The spread of those empires, the modern age of imperialism, was set in motion in the fifteenth century when the voyages of maritime explorers revealed potential sources of new wealth to the monarchs of Europe. [...] The Spanish conquest of the Aztecs and the Incas gave Spain, and ultimately all of Europe, access to the precious metals of North and South America. [...] On one day in February 2012, in the international news were stories of Malaysians protesting the opening of an Australian re nery in their country, the working conditions in an American computer plant in China, the killing of American soldiers in Afghanistan, the impact of tourism on Indigenous people in the Amazon, and controversy over British oil exploration in Somalia. [...] Pro ts were not retained in the colony, and spending on education and social welfare was kept to the minimum needed to maintain social order.23 In a colony, the fundamental decisions about the lives of the colonized were made by representatives of the empire, who were implementing pol- icies that had been created in the imperial centre for the bene t of imperial power.
indians of north america native peoples
9780773598188 9780773546493 9780773598171
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Ottawa, Ontario

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