cover image: Brain drain : Exode des cerveaux : pourquoi certains diplômés d'études postsecondaires choisissent-ils de travailler aux États-Unis?



Brain drain : Exode des cerveaux : pourquoi certains diplômés d'études postsecondaires choisissent-ils de travailler aux États-Unis?

5 Aug 2013

Our analysis comprises three components: a descriptive analysis of the differences between graduates who stayed in Canada and those who moved to the United States; a multivariate analysis, to identify the determinant factors of the decision to move from Canada to the United States and the decision to return to Canada afterwards; and analysis to explain the wage differentials between stayers and mo [...] In particular, we try to measure the extent of the brain drain to the United States among Canadian post-secondary graduates and to analyze its evolution over time based on the available survey data, and then to identify the main factors that influence the decision to move from Canada to the United States, as well as the decision to return to Canada after a stay abroad. [...] We then explain the methodology used to answer the questions at hand, which comprises three components: first, a comparative descriptive analysis of the characteristics of graduates who stayed in Canada and the graduates who moved to the United States, then a regression analysis to identify the factors determining the decision to move from Canada to the United States, and finally a regression anal [...] The same holds true for Zhao, Drew and Murray (2000), who note that even though, from an economic standpoint, Canada experienced a net loss of skilled workers to the United States in the 1990s in a number of important occupations, the volume of emigration to the United States can be deemed to be low from an historical standpoint and in terms of the population of the affected occupation. [...] We use two versions of the dependent variable USA: one which takes the value 1 if the respondent is living in the United States at the time of the interview and 0 if not, and the other that takes the value 1 if the respondent is living or previously lived in the United States since graduation and 0 if not.
higher education education economics school taxation science and technology research brain drain employment immigration labour mathematics purchasing power parity taxes college regression further education bachelor's degree errors doctor of philosophy ordinary least squares instrumental variables estimation statistically likelihood function human capital flight probit model phds instruments tn visa


Boudarbat, Brahim, Connolly, Marie

Published in
Montréal, Québec

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