cover image: Multi-sectoral collaboration and economic development



Multi-sectoral collaboration and economic development

22 Dec 2010

The path of the flowchart illustrates the key outputs associated with the work of an RDA, the bullet points beside each output indicate the factors that have an influence on the output, and the circles that are associated with the transition between the outputs are the outcomes of the process. [...] Work of the RDA and Factors that have an Impact (Morris, 2010) Context The context for and motivation behind the work of the RDAs is framed by the UK Government. [...] The objective is to achieve broad ownership of and buy-in to the RES across the region, which is seen as the first step to securing stakeholder commitments to the RES Action Plan. [...] Leadership, particularly from the Board Chairman and Chief Executive, is important in stakeholder engagement and consultation to help build common understanding regarding the context in which the RDA operates, the information and evidence it is working with and the role played by each sector. [...] Significantly in this phase, the focus of collaborative activity shifts; from the Board and executive staff of the organizations involved to the senior managers and operational staff.
economic development government higher education education politics economy school governance science and technology psychology empowerment evaluation business community development copyright creative industries employment regional planning goal further education government department leader chatham house leadership qualities regional development agency collaborative leadership


Morris, Marleen

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