cover image: Strategic information for community organizations on volunteering and donating in the Canadian prairies : Renseignements stratégiques sur le don et le bénévolat dans les provinces des prairies à l'intention des organismes communautaires



Strategic information for community organizations on volunteering and donating in the Canadian prairies : Renseignements stratégiques sur le don et le bénévolat dans les provinces des prairies à l'intention des organismes communautaires

11 Oct 2007

To help nonprofit groups replenish their reserves, it then spells out the results of some sophisticated statistical analyses which reveal the distinguishing characteristics of the volunteers and donors who made the greatest contributions of their time or money in this region, and explores the significance of these findings from a target marketing perspective. [...] Introduction This report provides a comprehensive picture of volunteering and donating in the Prairie region.1 Various types of nonprofit organizations can make concrete use of this information, both to track the changes in volunteering and donating since the late-nineties and to find and retain more supportive donors and volunteers. [...] Sections Four and Five document how much volunteering and donating changed in this region between 1997 and 2000 (when the first two versions of the NSGVP were performed; the next one was conducted in the fall of 2004 and results are slated to be released sometime in 2005). [...] Overall Volunteering and Donating in the Prairie Provinces and the Other Principal Regions of Canada All in all, the residents of the Canadian Prairies contributed about $1.2 billion of their money (or $354 each, among donors) and over 220 million hours of their time (or 142 hours each, among volunteers) to nonprofit organizations in 2000. [...] Overall Changes in Volunteering and Donating in the Prairie Region As with the other regions, there were some fairly major changes in the overall levels of volunteer and donor support in the Prairie Provinces between 1997 and 2000.
health education politics school inflation surveys canada charities demography employment ethics fundraising labour social participation health care donation welfare further education values society voluntarism wellness nonprofit organization charitable charity medical services fundraisers capital campaign


Dow, Warren

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