cover image: Barriers blocking the integration of foreign-trained immigrant professionals



Barriers blocking the integration of foreign-trained immigrant professionals

28 Jun 2005

For decades, the Canadian government has admitted large numbers of highly skilled immigrants to support the growth and competitiveness of the Canadian economy. [...] In the case of Ontario, the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (2002) report that more than forty thousand immigrants with foreign engineering training settled in Ontario between 1996 and 2002. [...] The authority of PEO to establish standards of engineering practice is granted by a provincial statute, the Professional Engineers Act (PEO, n.d.b). [...] The Professional Engineers Act gives PEO the power to develop and enforce regulations for admission to the profession (such as instituting certain academic training and work experience requisites) and standards of professional engineering practice (PEO, n.d.b). [...] A number of international mobility agreements have been negotiated which recognize the equivalency of the accreditation or education systems of the signatory countries (CCPE, n.d.b).
education politics school science and technology acculturation employment engineering engineers immigrants immigration labour occupations examination engineer certification licensure further education teaching and learning credential test (assessment) registration regulation and licensure in engineering canadian council of professional engineers professional engineers canadian engineering accreditation board p.eng professional engineer professional engineering


Girard, Erik Robert

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