cover image: Changing the flow



Changing the flow

22 Oct 2007

With a background is an Offi cer of the Order of Canada, He is the recipient of a Water Policy in law, economics and ecological and a Fellow of the Royal Society Fellowship from the Walter and Duncan restoration, he focuses on the insti- of Canada. [...] In response, we must recognize that all Canadians have the right to safe, clean water for fulfi lling basic personal and domestic needs, and that it is the duty of all governments to protect and preserve water resources for the use and enjoyment of the entire population, not just the privileged. [...] Water is the lifeblood life.31 The community is certain that its to have a baby that is not deformed, I of the land and of the indigenous health and reproductive problems are must leave the reservation and cleanse peoples and cultures that rely related to the pollution emitted into the 27 my womb for three years to ensure that upon it and its waters.”. [...] The of far longer duration than those experi- possibility of export therefore remains open.26 enced in the 20th century have occurred 8 Changing the Flow in the past and are likely to occur again.38 water will exacerbate the severity of water What the Experts Say Projections also point to lower water scarcity and increase the risk of the type levels in the Great Lakes39 —Lake Superior of environme [...] The impact of introduced traditional sewage treatment, and traces gradually spreading through the lakes.62 In species already in the system, have been found in municipal drinking Manitoba, the threat of invasive species to from the sea lamprey to the zebra 57 mussel, serve as harbingers of the water.
agriculture environment climate change government education politics drinking water conservation invasive species pollution water emergency management drought climate change adaptation water management natural resources canada resources groundwater water conservation water quality management oil aquatic ecosystem water use nature fresh water water-supply athabasca oil sands conservation biology drainage basin effects of global warming waters
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