To accomplishments include: increase the perception of fairness we have •. increased computerization in a to do something about the workload.” country where 90 percent of courts One of the ways to speed up the gears record evidence by long-hand; of justice in Ghana is through a greater •. refurbishing of old courts and the emphasis on alternative dispute resolution building of new ones such as the [...] Canada might be of use to them, then it’s CUSO then teamed up with the National only right that we should share that exper- Judicial Institute of Canada on a project that tise,” says Justice Thomas Cromwell of the had the financial backing of the Canadian Nova Scotia Court of Appeal, and one of government through CIDA—the Canadian the judges involved in the project. [...] To learn more delivering judicial education dealing with the about the results of the Canada-Ghana law and the craft of judging. [...] Is that the overall level of confidence in the the absence of corruption a condition for institutions of government, including the judicial system, correlated with the level of poverty reduction? [...] That’s why representatives of Unit of the Ghana Police, the Commis- development agencies and women’s groups sion on Human Rights and Administra- such as the Widows and Orphans Movement tive Justice, the Widows and Orphans were invited to the knowledge workshop.