cover image: Relocation policies and processes in public housing redevelopment



Relocation policies and processes in public housing redevelopment

10 Mar 2008

The primary goals of the Holly Park redevelopment are to increase the overall affordable housing stock for local residents, to create a sustainable mixed-income neighbourhood in southeast Seattle and to stimulate economic growth in the region through the creation of a series of Urban Villages. [...] The intention of the Plan for Transformation is to “renew the physical structure of Chicago Housing Authority properties, promote self-sufficiency for public housing residents and reform administration of the Chicago Housing Authority.” Chicago is implementing the Plan for Transformation in many developments simultaneously, and many of the policies are portfolio- wide. [...] The objectives of the redevelopment in Castle Vale are to improve and redevelop the housing as well as the "quality of life" on the estate, such as the economic, social, living, health and environmental conditions. [...] Furthermore, the Castle Vale Housing Action Trust won the national TNT Modernising Government Partnership Prize in 2000 and 2002, the Secretary of State’s Award for Partnership in Regeneration in 2000 and the Birmingham Forward Prize awarded in October 2002 for an “Outstanding Contribution to the City.” Also, in October 2002, the Castle Vale Housing Action Trust won the Midlands Excellence Award f [...] The Waltham Forest Housing Action Trust is mandated to undertake tasks in the manner of the Castle Vale Housing Action Trust, such as improving and redeveloping the housing as well as the "quality of life" on the estate, including the economic, social, living, health and environmental conditions.
health government education politics school curriculum public housing real estate lease community affordable housing further education section 8 hope vi teaching and learning construction and property apartment tenancies leasehold estate regent park tower blocks relocation (housing) ferryden park leaseholder ballymun castle vale
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