cover image: Investigation report : Alleged improper destruction of records by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development



Investigation report : Alleged improper destruction of records by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development

7 Jan 2016

Analysis and Findings [21] We took the following steps during the course of our investigation: 1. reviewed the records management scheme of the Government of Alberta to the extent it applies to ESRD; 2. obtained and reviewed documentation about destruction of records at ESRD around the date of the election; 3. obtained and reviewed documentation about requests for access to records made to ESRD un [...] The current RM Regulation under the GOA establishes the “records retention and disposition schedule” (records schedule, or RRDS) as the sole authority for records destruction: no person can destroy records in the custody and control of the government unless the records can be reasonably identified as records described in a pre-approved records schedule. [...] The SRO must also complete records disposition documentation (RD documentation) that registers in detail the content of boxes or containers containing the records, the date, or date ranges the information spans, the format of the information, the authorizing schedule reference, and the dates on which destruction or transfer can take place. [...] Controls in place to prevent destruction of records in ARTS [85] Given the confusion as to the content of ARTS records described above, and the restriction put in place to access these records, a probe was conducted to determine which security arrangements were in place to protect records in ARTS from unauthorized destruction, in light of section 38 of the FOIP Act which reads: Page | 21 The head [...] The core mandate of records management is to ensure the records created and kept by the department provide complete, accurate, reliable, and usable evidence of the actions and decisions of their officials working on behalf of the citizens of Alberta.
public records
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Ottawa, Ontario