cover image: Get on the Fast-Track



Get on the Fast-Track

1 Dec 2016

And with no reduction in the global number of new HIV infections among adults in the past five years, and rising numbers of new infections in some regions of the world, we need to realize that if there is a resurgence in new HIV infections now, the epidemic will become impossible to control. [...] The dynamics of the life cycle have been adopted by the business world to guide the develop- The life cycle can be ment and improvement of products and services, and to explain the growth and decline of used as a lens to better enterprises. [...] Innovations in data collection reveal how the risks of dynamics of the HIV infection, the challenges of accessing services and the solutions to these challenges change at epidemic and the different stages of life. [...] Reaching and sustaining this level of investment until 2030, and focusing these resources on delivering the most effective HIV services to the people in greatest need across the life cycle, will result in millions of additional lives saved and tens of millions of additional HIV infections averted.4 Additional HIV infections averted through a Fast-Track response, compared to 2015 levels of coverage [...] In the United Republic of Tanzania, for example, a study found that concerns about confidentiality of testing and test results, quality of HIV counselling and testing services, and practical considerations such as accessibility and availability of ancillary services all had an impact on the uptake of HIV testing services for pregnant women (4).
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Published in
Geneva 27, Switzerland

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