cover image: Considering Canada



Considering Canada

28 May 2015

The more that WES stakeholders know about Canada’s prospective skilled immigrants, the better able they will be to respond to the changing Canadian immigration landscape and to creatively develop and deliver services and resources that support immigrant success. [...] WES was founded in the U. S. and began operations in Canada in 2000 as the recognized service of the Ontario government.1 WES’ mission is to facilitate the integration of internationally-educated individuals into the employment and education environment of their newly adopted country. [...] In 2014, WES developed a survey of this overseas client pool to gather richer data and information to provide greater understanding of the motivations, perceived barriers, challenges, and opportunities for these individuals, and to enhance service delivery and knowledge dissemination. [...] Research Objective The purpose of WES’ survey research on CIC-ECA applicants was to identify prospective immigrants’ “needs” and “wants” regarding immigration intentions and service requirements, and to compare and analyze these data by client stage and demographic segment. [...] Overall, the reason for disseminating these data is to provide new information about prospective immigrants to Canada and to add to the ongoing conversation about best practices for coordinating and delivering services and support to immigrants to Canada.
higher education education politics school science and technology research migrants canada employment employment discrimination immigrants immigration labour database evidence-based practice evidence-based provincial further education retention teaching and learning educational assessment degree academic degree credential evaluation immigration to canada social media campaign accreditation (education) world education services17


Ortiz, A, Lowe, S

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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