cover image: Thought about food



Thought about food

20 Jul 2007

Food security also includes being able to make a living by growing and producing food in ways that protect and support both the land and the food producers, and that ensure that there will be healthy food for our children’s chil- dren.2 In other words, food security means that an individual or a community has access to nutri- tious, safe, personally acceptable and culturally appropriate foods that [...] A secure food system recognizes and addresses the impact that food transportation has on the quality of the food, the economy and the environment. [...] In a food secure community, food is marketed and advertised by the food system players to ensure that individuals are aware of both the positive and negative health implications of food choices. [...] Part 1–Understanding Food Security 6 Determinants Related to Food Access In a food secure community, everyone has both the opportunity and the resources to buy good quality food Access to Food Determinants of Food Security: for their families and themselves. [...] The short answer to the question is ‘no.’ There are many indications that Nova Scotia has much work to do to ensure that current and future generations will be able to get all of the healthy food they need and are able to enjoy it with friends and family.
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