cover image: Policy on preventing discrimination because of gender identity and gender expression / : Politique sur la prévention de la discrimination fondée sur l'identité sexuelle et l'expression de l'identité sexuelle



Policy on preventing discrimination because of gender identity and gender expression / : Politique sur la prévention de la discrimination fondée sur l'identité sexuelle et l'expression de l'identité sexuelle

11 Apr 2014

In 2012, three parties of the Ontario Legislature co-sponsored Toby’s Act, the Bill that added “gender identity” and “gender expression” as prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Code.9 The grounds make it clear that trans people and other gender non-conforming individuals are entitled to legal protections in the same way that people are protected from discrimination and harassment based o [...] In keeping with the Preamble of the Code, this policy aims to: Promote recognition of the inherent dignity and worth of trans people Provide for equal rights and opportunities without discrimination and harassment because of gender identity and gender expression Create a climate of understanding and mutual respect, so that trans people feel they belong in the community and can contribute to [...] The analysis and many of the examples in this policy are based on research, tribunal and court cases involving gender identity and gender expression, as well as consultations the OHRC undertook with trans people, other individuals and organizations.11 See Appendix A for more about the purpose of OHRC policies. [...] Gender identity, gender expression or other protected characteristics need only be one of the factors in the negative treatment for discrimination to exist.28 Once prima facie discrimination is established, the burden then shifts to the organization or person responsible to either provide a credible non-discriminatory explanation, or justify the conduct or practice using one of the defences availa [...] Comments and conduct that are derived from derogatory stereotypes of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people are captured by the prohibited ground of sexual orientation, regardless of the complainant’s sexual identity or the perception of the respondent.” See also Smith v. Menzies Chrysler Inc.
health human rights gender government education politics school violence discrimination culture sex discrimination law sexual harassment transsexuals gender identity further education sexual orientation fundamental rights harassment gender role transphobia identity (social science) intercultural competence trans identity documents human rights tribunal of ontario transsexual transgendered gender expression washroom transvestites
9781460639009 9781460639023
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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