cover image: Aboriginal women's voices : Breaking the cycle of homelessness and incarceration



Aboriginal women's voices : Breaking the cycle of homelessness and incarceration

14 Nov 2013

We are grateful for the generosity of the women participants in the study who have shared their understandings and wisdom in ways that led to solutions which are culturally relevant and applicable to interrupt the cycle of homelessness and incarceration for women. [...] Primary themes that arose included: the criminalization of poverty and the correlation between the crimes committed by participants and their economic survival; the stigma and shame associated with having a criminal record and the subsequent feelings of isolation and loneliness; the lack of preventative supports and programs; the inability to find safe, stable and affordable housing once released, [...] The increasing rate of incarceration has been correlated to processes of globalization, the effects of the transition to neoliberal social policies, including the demise of the welfare state, and the increasing criminalization of poverty. [...] The objectives of the research were four-fold: (1) to more fully understand the issues of homelessness and incarceration as it impacts women; (2) to work with women with lived experiences of homelessness and incarceration and community partners and other collaborators to promote a greater understanding of these issues; (3) to provide recommendations and advocate for programming and policy changes [...] The intent for the research team in collaborating with women who had experienced incarceration and homelessness was to assist the women to find ways to use their knowledge, skills and experience to make a difference for themselves and others.
health education politics school domestic violence crime mental health violence empowerment discrimination child abuse culture law law enforcement restorative justice homelessness prison system community society crime, law and justice canadian indian residential school system inequalities punishment (criminal) maximum security anger native women gendered indian women criminalization marginalized digital storytelling indian homeless persons native homeless persons


Walsh, Christine Ann, Bell, Meghan, Rutherford, Gayle E, Krieg, Brigette

Published in
Calgary, Alberta

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