cover image: Parenting Options for 2SLGBTQ People FOR FINAL REVIEW


Parenting Options for 2SLGBTQ People FOR FINAL REVIEW

4 Apr 2024

Known Donors A known sperm donor is someone known to the parent or parents and who provides their sperm to conceive a child. [...] The donor may be part of the child’s family or may be known to the child as a supportive person, though they are not a primary parent. [...] Within 2SLGBTQ communities, the relationship between a donor conceived child and a known donor is typically understood and appreciated, though the concept may not be familiar to people who are not part of 2SLGBTQ parenting communities. [...] A catheter is gently inserted through the cervix into the uterus of the person who will carry the pregnancy, and the sperm is placed in the uterus to help it get closer to the egg. [...] The cost of preparing the sperm for insemination, and the cost of the sperm itself are not covered.



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