cover image: Syphilis among gay, bisexual, two-spirit and other men who have sex with men : Syphilis chez les hommes gais, bisexuels, bispirituels et autre hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec autres hommes : ressource pour la prévention adaptée à cette population



Syphilis among gay, bisexual, two-spirit and other men who have sex with men : Syphilis chez les hommes gais, bisexuels, bispirituels et autre hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec autres hommes : ressource pour la prévention adaptée à cette population

5 Mar 2015

This includes a range of social, economic and structural conditions that contribute to gay men and other MSMs’ experiences of health and illness, choices available to them, and their ability to control and act on decisions to achieve positive health outcomes. [...] The multigenerational effects of colonization, discrimination and residential schools also have an impact on the health behaviours and experiences of homophobia and racism among two-spirit, gay and other Aboriginal MSM32. [...] For many gay men and other MSM, the Internet and social media are also important sources of social support, and have changed the way gay men access health information and meet their sexual partners36. [...] Perceived stigma, discrimination and ignorance about the health needs of gay men and other MSM affect whether and how they access health information and services and the quality of services they receive. [...] SYPHILIS AMONG GAY, BISEXUAL, TWO-SPIRIT AND OTHER MEN WHO HAVE SEX WITH MEN: A RESOURCE FOR POPULATION-SPECIFIC PREVENTION 9 4. PROMISING PRACTICES IN SYPHILIS PREVENTION AMONG GAY MEN AND OTHER MSM A key focus of HIV prevention efforts among gay men and other MSM has been the implementation of behavioural interventions that encourage consistent condom use for anal intercourse.
health media advertising hiv/aids aids gonorrhea homosexuality human reproduction medicine syphilis epidemic hiv prevention communicable disease condom use social marketing infection health treatment health sciences virus disease diseases and conditions men who have sex with men have sex with gay men condom chlamydia infection human sexuality homophobia stbbi homosexuels masculins
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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