cover image: CIGI Papers No. 294 — May 2024 - Breaking Barriers The Link between Stronger

CIGI Papers No. 294 — May 2024 - Breaking Barriers The Link between Stronger

7 May 2024

Service providers of 1990–2011.3 The value of exports in each year is tend to file patent applications less frequently measured relative to the value in 1990, and likewise than firms in other industries, primarily due to for each type of IP.4 The data shows that by the year the intangible nature of innovation in service 2010, the value of service exports has increased by industries and the difficu. [...] Last, α is the constant term and εijt is the stochastic error 16 The comparison of the trade impact of IPRs protection across KIBS and non-KIBS will not reflect the impact of other concurrent policy changes, as 17 The availability of data varies across the three measures of IPRs and is long as such changes have common impacts across the two groups. [...] The data is collected using mirror-technique (when information The key variable of interest is the interaction term on imports of the partner country is used to fill in , which is the product of the KIBS data on export trade flows of a reporter country), activity dummy and the strength of IPRs protection. [...] While the coefficient β1 This is done to ensure the most comprehensive measures the impact of IPRs in the non-KIBS group, coverage of global trade flows in services across the coefficient β2 measures the differential impact countries and over time, which is the TSD’s main of IPRs in the KIBS group. [...] The study finds that broader access to a variety of business services enhances In the empirical analysis, the sensitivity of productivity in manufacturing, and that business service imports in the treatment group of KIBS services are catching up with manufacturing activities is compared to the sensitivity of in terms of their contribution to GDP.21 service imports in the control group of non-KIBS.

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