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Talking TikTok: A Family Guide

9 Apr 2024

Talking TikTok: A Family Guide Talking TikTok: A Family Guide Welcome Welcome to MediaSmarts’ guide for families on navigating TikTok safely! In this resource we provide insights and practical tips for parents, guardians, caregivers and teachers to ensure a secure and positive experience for your teens on TikTok. [...] • Users 16 and older with public accounts can choose one of these settings for Duet and Stitch: » Everyone: Any other user can Duet or Stitch your videos » Followers that follow you back: Only people that you follow, and who also follow you back, can Duet or Stitch your videos. [...] For instance, here’s how to report a video: » Go to the video you need to report » Press and hold on the video » Choose Report and follow the instructions that appear. [...] The For You feed recommends videos that are likely to be of interest to each user, based on a number of signals that help indicate what a user is and is not interested in. [...] If you want the algorithm to forget everything it knows about you and start over, you can refresh the For You feed by following these steps: Profile > Menu > Settings and Privacy > Content Preferences and then tap Refresh Your For You Feed.
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