Our members adopted a Our members adopted a resolution in 2023 to resolution in 2023 to advocate with the advocate provincially to Canadian School Boards the Minister of Association for the Education for a development of commitment to provincial and national improving early learning healthy, universal, cost- outcomes in shared school food Saskatchewan by programs, funded by the allocating sufficie. [...] The products have been uniquely customized over the years to fit the needs of school boards and the education sector. [...] The SSBA is the third-party administrator and the policyholder responsible for the management of the plan on behalf of participating member school boards. [...] In addition to offering the benefits plan, the SSBA Employee Benefits Services team administers the plan and its policies, Jeff McNaughton communicates and coordinates information and updates about the plan, supports school Director, divisions with their benefit plan administration, and offers presentations and seminars Employee Benefits and on the Employee Benefits Plan and related topics. [...] In addition to offering the insurance coverage, the SSBA Insurance Plan provides many services including managing the annual insurance renewal, administering insurance claims, providing risk management and loss prevention support to school divisions, and offering presentations and seminars on insurance and risk related topics.