cover image: IM-Jenkins and Mark


IM-Jenkins and Mark

7 May 2024

The commission’s role includes considering new applicants and setting the standards they must meet to join the club, which began as a four-nation grouping in 2006 and which Canada joined in 2016. [...] Nurturing new institutions such as the CPTPP and promoting broad membership are effective ways to counter global economic fragmentation caused by the rapid rise in tariffs, restrictions and beggar-thy-neighbour policies of the past few years. [...] Canada should help promote and accelerate the inclusion of Costa Rica, Uruguay, Ecuador, and Ukraine, all of which have applied to the CPTPP. [...] Open and inclusive institutions are at the core of ensuring each economy can benefit from global economic integration, and the CPTPP is a landmark on the way forward. [...] Howe Institute and former senior deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, while Mark Kruger holds senior fellow appointments at the Yicai Research Institute, the Centre for International Governance Innovation and the University of Alberta’s China Institute.



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