cover image: City of Toronto Black Data Governance: Literature Review - Jemal Demeke


City of Toronto Black Data Governance: Literature Review - Jemal Demeke

2 Jan 2024

The Data-Pop Alliance, a non-profit think tank focused on advancing global use of data for change, aimed to define data literacy in the context of community empowerment, leading to the identification of four pillars of data: data education, data visualization, data modelling and data participation (30). [...] This effort led to the prioritization of trust-building with communities, proposed training initiatives and the City of Toronto Black Data Governance: Literature Review 7 establishment of a Community Advisory Panel to collaboratively analyze, interpret and report the outcomes of race-based data collections. [...] Multiple components of the standards provided specific activities to be performed by data stewards such as the use of personal information and the release of data to the public. [...] City of Toronto Black Data Governance: Literature Review 13 Discussion The City of Toronto has expressed interest in the potential of utilizing Black data governance as a tool to track and address inequities affecting Black communities and to empower Black communities to shape how the data is managed. [...] Through 78 records, key findings encompassed the exploration of community data governance approaches, the creation of effective data infrastructure, and the integration of equity lenses throughout the data life cycle.


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