cover image: À propos de l'hétérogénéité des formes organisationnelles de l'économie sociale



À propos de l'hétérogénéité des formes organisationnelles de l'économie sociale

12 May 2010

This paper addresses the problem of the diversity of social economy organizational forms. Two theoretical approaches (organizational ecology and neo-institutionalism approach focusing on institutional isomorphism) establish the main forces and determinants of these organizational forms. With data from a survey on Montreal social economy, we use non-parametric (K-nearest neighbors discriminant analysis) and parametric (latent class analysis) methods to test these two concurrent theories. As a conclusion, we discuss the established stylized facts. Our results are supportive of the organizational ecology approach.
education public policy economics economy school science and technology psychology analyse de variance analysis of variance culture philosophy science institutions sociales social institutions social sciences sociology statistique examination opinion poll regions of france human activities quebec further education voluntary association politiques publiques économie sociale organizational behavior géographique données statistiques écologie des organisations analyse multidimensionnelle non paramétrique isomorphisme institutionnel comportement organisationnel formes organisationnelles analyse en classes latentes


Rousselière, Damien

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