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SSBA Strategic Plan Renewal – Update Spr i ng As

8 Apr 2024

Education Sector Partners Renewal - Timelines May/June 2023 – Online survey – COMPLETED August 2023 – Executive retreat – planning session – COMPLETED September/October 2023– Focus group engagement sessions with stakeholders - COMPLETED Fall Assembly 2023 – Update – Survey and Focus Group Themes - COMPLETED Jan/Feb 2024 – Draft renewed plan based on the feedback – COMPLETED March 2024. [...] Strategic Priorities Good Governance • Goal #1 – Provide professional services and support most relevant and responsive to the needs of our member boards of education. [...] Importance and Impact of Locally Elected School Boards • Goal #1 – Elevate the importance of school board autonomy to make decisions at the local level that are in the best interests of the students and communities they serve. [...] • Goal #3 – Inclusion – All students, teachers and staff are respected and valued in safe and welcoming schools. [...] Timelines – Next Steps 2024 Spring Assembly Networking Groups – Opportunity to discuss and receive feedback April to June – Final feedback process based on the draft (electronic circulation and follow-up) – update as required September – Executive approval of plan – communicate and share with members - stakeholders and post online Fall Assembly – Summary report of the Vision 2025 Strategic.


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