cover image: Digital Navy



Digital Navy

9 Jun 2020

FOREWORD DIGITAL NAVY INITIATIVE I am pleased to introduce this Digital Navy Initiative for the dedicated members of the naval team who work ceaselessly to ensure that the Royal Canadian Navy is in all respects Ready to Help, Ready to Lead, and Ready to Fight. [...] S COPE This Digital Navy Initiative spans all elements of the naval enterprise, from the financial, business and human resource management functions that underpin the back-end of our business; to the engineering, logistics and training functions that directly drive readiness; to the warfighting function that is our raison d’être. [...] The overarching goal of this initiative is, therefore, to more deliberately and proactively embrace digital technologies in order to ensure the RCN’s ability to deliver and maintain relevant naval forces that are, in all respects ready to answer the call. [...] The mandate of the Digital Navy Office will include the following core elements: » Program Alignment The Digital Navy Office will perform a coordination function to optimize synergies and collaboration amongst the stakeholders in order to bring coherence to the overall program. [...] COMMUNICATIONS Regular and sustained communications within the naval enterprise and across government, industry and academia will be essential to the success of this initiative, as will the proactive engagement by all members of the naval team.
accountability government politics elections democracy science and technology parliamentary procedure voting election electoral system polling station human activities survey data evaluation methods group decision-making voter advance poll vote by mail voted by mail
Published in
Ottawa, ON, CA

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