cover image: Strategic Uncertainty in Financial Markets



Strategic Uncertainty in Financial Markets

18 Dec 2020

'This paper measures valuation and strategic uncertainty in an over-the-counter market. The analysis uses a novel data set of price estimates that major financial institutions provide to a consensus pricing service. We model these institutions as Bayesian agents that learn from consensus prices about market conditions. Our uncertainty measures are derived from their beliefs through a structural estimation. The main contribution of the consensus pricing service is to reduce strategic uncertainty in the most opaque market segments. This stresses the importance of public data, such as financial benchmarks, for a shared understanding of market conditions in markets with limited price transparency'--Abstract, page ii.
economics economy science and technology derivative securities estimation theory mathematics prices securities valuation standard deviation forecasting estimation kalman filter correlation and dependence market (economics) derivative (finance) variance black–scholes model time-series expected value standard deviations moneyness state space consensus (computer science) kalman gain kalman gains
Published in
Ottawa, ON, CA

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