The and mining governance and to highlight training was the first of a series of trainings relevant examples of good practices for on gender to come. [...] WIMOWA is a network of women's This workshop falls under a Memorandum associations in the mining, oil, and gas of Understanding between UEMOA and sectors in West Africa and was created the International Institute for Sustainable under the aegis of UEMOA in 2015. [...] With this profile of the audience in mind, the IGF took an approach using self- The program also included issue-specific motivation and experience-based learning presentations from: wherein the trainer acts as a facilitator • Clémence Naré, Law Advisor and and allows participants to reflect on their Outreach Manager, IGF knowledge and experience in a structured format. [...] They expected the training to cover various issues, ranging MEET THE AUDIENCE’S from advocacy tools to compliance with NEEDS international mining standards, such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative’s In developing the training, the IGF requirements on gender balance and the incorporated the findings from the training collection of data. [...] First, the trainers presented the main concepts of gender and mining governance, with a focus on the reasons behind women’s systemic exclusion in the sector and the main barriers to women’s equal representation.