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Robust Dynamic Panel Data Models Using ?-contamination

31 Jan 2020

In that case, the hyperparameters only concern the variance-covariance matrix of the b coefficients and the precision τ. As is well-known, Bayesian methods are sensitive to misspecification of the distributions of the priors. [...] Conversely, if the base prior is not consistent with the data, the weight λ̂θ,g → 0 and the ML-II posterior density of θ is then close 0 to the posterior q̂∗ (θ|g0) and to the empirical Bayes estimator θ̂EB (b|g0). [...] The DGP of the Monte Carlo simulation study For the random effects (RE), the Chamberlain (1982)-type fixed effects (FE) world and the Hausman and Taylor (1981) (HT) worlds, we use the same DGP as that of Baltagi et al. [...] For each set-up, we vary the size of the sample and the length of the panel. [...] For the coefficient of the lagged dependent variable, ρ, the RMSE is the lowest for the 2S bootstrap when N = 100 and T = 10, but this RMSE is the lowest for the QMLE when N = 200 and T = 30, although the differences are small.
economics science and technology econometrics estimation theory mathematics social sciences statistics errors and residuals bootstrapping (statistics) estimator fixed effects model robustness ?xed e?ects bootstrap bayesian inference prior distributions bayes estimator bias of an estimator bayesian maximum likelihood generalized method of moments applied econometrics bayesian estimator
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Montreal, QC, CA

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