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Hub-Periphery Development Pattern and Inclusive Growth

13 Dec 2019

This paper examines the pattern of inter- and intra-provincial migration and that of the concentration of production, to explore the challenges and opportunities for the success of “double transfer.” The paper suggests a four-prong approach, to improve the business environment, support the realization of latent comparative advantages, increase the skill level of the labor force to support the upgr [...] The special tax policies and financial incentives provided to the Special Economic Zones have stimulated the development of the foreign and domestic private companies and changed the structure of the economy. [...] This begs the questions of whether this showed sign of possible changes of the development pattern of the province, 7 The “M-shape” fluctuation of the Gini coefficient of the capital intensive and labor intensive industries in 2009- 2013 is of interest for further research. [...] In 2008, the government of Guangdong province implemented the “double transfer decision” to encourage the transfer of industries from PRD to the rest of the province and the transfer of labor in the northern mountainous areas and the east and west wings from the primary sector to the secondary and tertiary sectors, including the transfer of some high-skilled labor to PRD. [...] The main objectives of the reform and development plans are featured in the “Double transfer” - transfer industries from the Pearl River Delta to the rest of the provinces; and transfer labor in the lagging regions from the primary sector to the secondary and tertiary sectors, including transfer of high-skilled labor to the Pearl River Delta.
economic development economics economy science and technology culture immigration social sciences taoism market gdp human activities pearl river delta guangdong comparative advantages guangdong province guangzhou zhuhai foshan zhaoqing jiangmen zhongshan
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Montreal, QC, CA

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