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Estimating the Value of Higher Education Financial Aid

18 Jun 2020

Using data from a Canadian field experiment on the financial barriers to higher education, we estimate the distribution of the value of financial aid for prospective students. We find that a considerable share of prospective students perceive significant credit constraints. Most of the individuals are willing to pay a sizable interest premium above the prevailing market rate for the option to take up a loan, with a median interest rate wedge equal to 6.8 percentage points for a $1,000 loan. The willingness-to-pay for financial aid is highly heterogeneous across students, with preferences and in particular discount factors playing a key role in accounting for this variation.
aid higher education education economics school science and technology estimation theory interest mathematics risk students university loan utilities student loan standard deviation college further education parameter degree student financial aid (united states) median canada student loans risk aversion time preference student loans in canada cslp ?nancial aid crra dynamic discrete choice
Published in
Montreal, QC, CA

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