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Autonomous Vehicle Implementation Predictions - Implications for Transport Planning Summary

6 Mar 2021

Many decision-makers and practitioners (planners, engineers and analysts) wonder how autonomous (also called self-driving or robotic) vehicles will affect future travel demands, and therefore the need for roads, parking facilities and public transit services, and what public policies can minimize the problems and maximize the benefits of these new technologies (APA 2016; Berrada and Leurent 2017;. [...] This will increase vehicle travel and total costs by autonomous vehicle owners, but reduce vehicle travel and costs for those who shift from owning to sharing vehicles. [...] and associated costs Moderate- and low- Most income suburban and Affluent suburban and Suburban and urban appropriate uses rural residents. [...] By providing more affordable taxi and public transit services, improving walking and bicycling conditions, and reducing parking needs, autonomous vehicles may encourage urban living and vehicle sharing (Lovejoy, Handy and Boarnet 2013), which can reduce vehicle travel. [...] People who rely on autonomous taxis and rides are likely to travel less due to higher financial costs and reduced convenience, while people who own private electric autonomous vehicles are likely to travel more due to lower operating and travel time costs, and high convenience.


Todd Litman

Published in
