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ISCAR 2017 - Book of Abstracts - Taking a 360° view of

11 Feb 2018

In this sense, it became evident i) the importance of method and of a constructive interpretative analysis based on the theoretical-methodological procedures called “Meaning Nuclei” in order to grasp the meanings the managers give their activities; ii) the importance of the role of the principal to the possibility of school improvement; iii) the relevance of the managers initial training and conti. [...] As researchers interested in the individual and the social dimensions of an activity where emotions are key (Gonzalez Rey, 2011), we would like to raise some methodological questions to share and discuss like: 1- Which data to select? 2- What is the unit of analysis? 3- How do we make sense of the intertwining of the present, the past and the future in the discourse? The answers to these questions. [...] In an interdisciplinary approach, we try to analyse the conception and use of these spaces; to create opportunities for the arising of narratives about the environment and the local communities, and to apprehend in the accounts social practices of memory and imagination. [...] The main challenges for the related researches have been to entwine diverse methodological perspectives and to provide the collaborative character of the research, ensuring that the work can consider the point of view of the subjects involved. [...] The analysis, which aimed to seize the dynamicity of the object of the intervention, was oriented by the following question: how was the inclusion of special needs students perceived by the teachers throughout the intervention? The results pointed that the most relevant category of analysis was the discursive manifestation of contradictions.
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