cover image: Complaints and Discipline Provisions - 1 Complaint 2 Complaints Committee

Complaints and Discipline Provisions - 1 Complaint 2 Complaints Committee

28 Nov 2023

2.7 The Registrar may, with the consent of both the complainant and the member who is the subject of the complaint, refer the complainant and the member who is the subject of the complaint to an alternative dispute resolution process: (a) if the matter has not yet been referred to the Discipline Committee under Section 2.11(a); and (b) if the complainant is not the Registrar. [...] 2.12 The Complaints Committee panel shall provide its decision with reasons to the complainant and the member who is the subject of the complaint, except in the case of a referral to the Discipline Committee. [...] 2.13 The Complaints Committee panel shall provide notice to the complainant and the member who is the subject of the complaint of a referral to the Discipline Committee. [...] 3.2 The parties to a hearing of the Discipline Committee are the Institute and the member who is the subject of the complaint. [...] 3.10 If two (2) or more proceedings before the Discipline Committee involve the same member or the same or similar questions of fact, law or policy, the Discipline Committee may, without the consent of the parties, combine the proceedings or any part of them or hear the proceedings at the same time.


Sandy Cardarelli

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