cover image: CIGI Papers No. 301 — September 2024 - Moving toward Best Practices in Accountability


CIGI Papers No. 301 — September 2024 - Moving toward Best Practices in Accountability

5 Sep 2024

Finally, having established that the doctrines of In February 2023, the Netherlands hosted the command and state responsibility are crucial to inaugural global summit on the Responsible Use maintaining accountability for AI use by armed of Artificial Intelligence in the Military Domain forces, the fourth part argues that the real work (REAIM), culminating in the endorsement of the is defining what. [...] commanders and operator to make conscious, context-specific decisions about AI systems that The statement of principles is not legally binding, are informed by its function, their training on nor does it attempt to set out in any detail a the system, their knowledge of the target and legal framework for the use of autonomous environment and the requirements of international systems in the context. [...] Some account all the circumstances at the time of the battlespaces, such as those at sea, in the air, in attack, including those relevant to the success of the desert, in the Arctic or in cyberspace, may military operations” (ibid., 680). [...] Per articles 30 and The law of state responsibility is a set of secondary 31 of the ILC’s Draft Articles, those consequences rules, the primary rules being the obligations a include the cessation of the system’s deployment, state commits itself to uphold by treaty or by virtue appropriate guarantees of non-repetition and of its statehood under customary international full reparations for the injur. [...] the type of AI system or weapon, the battlespace, For these reviews and tests to be meaningful, AI the nature of the conflict and the capabilities target identification or “nomination decisions” of the adversary.
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