cover image: Editors’ Overview


Editors’ Overview

17 Jul 2024

Since The three articles in the symposium an- the 1990s the investment share of intan- alyze the new dataset through different gibles capital, when broadly measured by lenses. [...] A They provide a comprehensive description new stream of research on intangibles and and analysis of the data, sketching out a productivity has emerged pointing out the stylized “upstream/downstream” model of increased contribution of intangible capital production with intangible capital, which to output and productivity growth relative is used to assess the performance of in- to tangible capital. [...] The metrics from the EUKLEMS-INTANProd 2023 release of the EUKLEMS & INTAN- database for the UK, and find a moderate Prod database includes 30 countries with slowdown in the growth of the intangible investment and capital metrics for seven capital stock and a slightly weaker contri- tangible assets and eight intangible assets bution to productivity growth since 2011. [...] In contrast, the authors of the first article It provides a version of accounts which argue that, when using a somewhat shorter is consistent with the official national ac- timeframe (2014-2019, avoiding the after- counts, and one that uses additional types math of the European sovereign debt cri- INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY MONITOR 1 sis) and adjusting for mismeasurement of issue, Philip Smith, fo. [...] John van Reenen and Xuyi Yang The author identifies the very large uses the EUKLEMS-INTANProd database increase in 2022 and 2023 in the non- to analyse the slowdown in UK produc- permanent resident (NPR) population, tivity growth, using France, Germany and driven by increases in the number of tem- the United States as the main comparator porary foreign workers and international countries.
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