cover image: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. 2024 Annual Report


Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. 2024 Annual Report

26 Jun 2024

Each step of Pan-Canadian Small Modular Reactor and Advanced the way, we will continue to infuse our work with the Reactor Workshop where industry, utilities, academics firm commitment to preserving the environment and to and government gathered to better understand the protecting the health and safety of the communities we opportunities, barriers to deployment, and research, serve. [...] Federal Nuclear Science and Technology Work Plan AECL oversees the delivery of the Federal Nuclear Science and Technology Work Plan for nuclear research and development to support the government’s priorities and core responsibilities in the areas of health, nuclear safety and security, energy, and the environment. [...] The facility will enable support to, and extension of, the operational life of Canada’s CANDU fleet, the needs of the federal government (particularly in safety, security and nuclear forensics), and new and emerging science and technology areas such as small modular reactors and the associated fuel development technology. [...] The intent is to align the completion of the characterization and remediation planning of the waste management areas with the availability of the disposal facility. [...] With the implementation of the Government- owned, Contractor-operated model and the increased emphasis placed on tackling its environmental and decommissioning responsibilities, AECL has asked CNL to accelerate and complete the decommissioning and closure of the site.
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