cover image: Abstract Book


Abstract Book

24 May 2024

Ocean and climate literacy continues to be a major focus of BoFEP, in line with the UN Decade on the Ocean and the activities of groups in Canada such as the Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition (COLC) and the Canadian Network for Ocean Education (CANOE). [...] (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES ON THE EMERGENCE OF THE INVASIVE COLONIAL TUNICATE DIDEMNUM VEXILLUM KOTT, 2002 IN THE WESTERN BAY OF FUNDY, ATLANTIC CANADA The invasive colonial tunicate, Didemnum vexillum Kott, 2022 was initially observed in Atlantic Canada in Nova Scotia in 2013 and has since been expected to spread to the western side of the Canadian Bay of Fundy due to col. [...] (Dalhousie University) INTEGRATION AND DATA SHARING TO EXAMINE THE FATE AND TRANSPORT OF MICROPLASTICS IN THE WOLASTOQ WATERSHED AND SAINT JOHN HARBOUR Pollution reduction efforts require characterization of the extent, types, and sources of pollution across ecosystems to understand input pathways, identify sources and sinks, determine risks to ecosystem health, and evaluate effectiveness of guide. [...] The findings highlight the diversity in LSFO products on the market, and the data generated will be used to develop and validate models, to predict and assess the toxicity of these new generation fuel oils. [...] The study has considered three simulation scenarios to comprehend the water renewal time and the role of the breach in the environmental management of the Shediac Bay.


Benjamin de Jourdan

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