cover image: The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) Best Practice Guidelines


The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) Best Practice Guidelines

31 Jul 2024

The goal of this program is to create evidence-based practice cultures, improve patient care and enrich the professional practice of nurses and other health-care providers, through systematic implementation and evaluation of multiple RNAO clinical BPGs. [...] Centering care of the Indigenous Person and their families Care of the Indigenous person and family is an approach to care in which the person is viewed as a whole. [...] The therapeutic relationship between the person and their health and social service providers is formed when the whole person is nurtured as well as those who are significant to them, including their family and others in the community. [...] For Indigenous People, recognizing the importance of the connection with Mother Earth, the Land and all components of the Medicine Wheel is of utmost importance to their wellness. [...] This approach to care involves advocacy, empowerment, mutual respect, and an understanding of the person’s right to be autonomous, to self-determine, and to actively participate in decisions about their health - both in wellness and illness.


Brenda Stade

Published in

Table of Contents