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From Plan to Impact V: WHO Global action plan: The time to act is now

4 May 2023

The WHO Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017–20252 was created with the Dementia risk aim of improving the lives of people with dementia and 3 reduction their carers, all while decreasing the impact of dementia on communities and countries through a series of seven action areas: dementia as a public health priority; 4 Diagnosis, treatment, dementia awareness and friend. [...] 10 ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE INTERNATIONAL | FROM PLAN TO IMPACT VI What is a national dementia plan? In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the Global action plan on the public health response to dementia, aiming to improve the lives of those living with Towards a dementia plan: dementia and their carers whilst mitigating the impact of a WHO guide dementia on communities and countries. [...] Together, the main Dementia Plans encompassing all seven action areas of components of a dementia plan act to raise public the Global Action Plan are the best and most robust way awareness and create mutual understanding about to manage the multifaceted challenges of dementia to dementia, address population needs, reduce the burden healthcare systems, governments and, of course, the of dementia, a. [...] a significant milestone in the development of dementia services in the country, marking the first Alzheimer’s Pakistan therefore concentrated its time that the government has recognised dementia efforts on Punjab and reworked its national plan into as an issue and committed to the development of the Punjab Dementia Plan. [...] Meanwhile, the collaborative efforts between dementia and their carers in the dark about warning the Alzheimer’s Society of Maldives and Alzheimer’s signs of the condition, how to face the difficulties that Indonesia show the importance of working together for may arise carrying out activities of daily living, and the common good.  what rights they are entitled to, no matter the stage of dementia.
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