RSC AWARDS COMPETITION PREPARING A NOMINATION GUIDE The results of the deliberations of the various Awards Selection Committees will be sent to the Secretariat in the summer and winners will be notified during the month of July. [...] The detailed appraisal is the nominator’s opportunity to present a narrative of the candidate’s achievements in a manner that clearly indicates how the candidate meets the criteria for receiving an award and why the candidate deserves this recognition. [...] The detailed appraisal should explicitly note how and why the work of the candidate is significant, given the terms of reference for the award. [...] Referees One of the most significant elements of a nomination package for an award is the reputation of the referees and the quality and persuasiveness of the letters they submit. [...] The CV should provide the relevant Selection Committee with, in the first part, a complete listing of the candidate’s pertinent publications, as well as, in the second part, any awards, honours and recognition that the candidate has received for achievements in the specific domain to which the award is directed.
- Pages
- 6
- Published in
- Canada
Table of Contents
- Henry Marshall Tory Medal Astronomy Chemistry 1
- Mathematics Physics 1
- Jason A. Hannah Medal History of Medicine John L. Synge Award Mathematical Sciences 1
- McLaughlin Medal Medical Science 1
- Michael P. Païdoussis Medal Applied Mechanics 1
- Miroslaw Romanowski Medal Environmental issues 1
- Pierre Chauveau Medal Humanities 1
- Rutherford Memorial Medals Chemistry and Physics 1
- Sir John William Dawson Medal Interdisciplinary 1
- Yvan Allaire Medal Governance 1
- December 13 1
- General Points for Nominators 2
- 1. Nomination form 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2
- Detailed appraisal 1200 words or 1450 words if written in French Referees 4
- Curriculum Vitae not be longer than 20 pages 6