cover image: 2023 Report of AP-ECOP


2023 Report of AP-ECOP

6 Jun 2024

During the virtual meeting, the agenda focused on the confirmation of achievements in 2022 and the tasks to complete before PICES-2023 such as mentorship events and ECOP Opportunities Flier. [...] During the hybrid meeting, the focus was discussing the top priorities for 2024, including the International Open Science Training, mentorship program/scheme, and PICES ECOP membership listserv and design of a future biannual newsletter. [...] AGENDA ITEM 2 Reconfirmation of our mission The Co-chairs reconfirmed the five Terms of Reference (ToRs) of the AP-ECOP with the attendees. [...] Curate and update PICES ECOP membership listserv and design a newsletter ● The AP-ECOP members agreed to revive, update, and expand the PICES ECOP membership listserv and design a future newsletter to communicate and share the latest engagement opportunities within and outside of PICES. [...] ● AP-ECOP will send an email to the ECOP participants of PICES-2023 after the Annual Meeting to provide them with an option to join the listserv and thus subscribe to the newsletter.


Thomas Therriault

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