cover image: ACT_StrategicPlan_2024_2027.indd


1 Feb 2024

Connecting with stakeholders (including partners within and outside the HIV sector, staff, the Board, and ACT service users) through a variety of consultations involving surveys and phone interviews was a key part of consultations that contributed to the development of the Strategic Plan. [...] ACT is also a collaborator in the POWER Project, which is made up of five agencies (ACT, Black-CAP, PASAN, PWA and Teresa Group) that work both individually, and in partnership, to offer a range of education, community, and individual support and other programs for cis and trans women living with HIV. [...] There is a need to develop and better sustain partnerships both within and outside of the HIV sector to provide better services and service access, and to ensure that successful program innovations can expand. [...] Equity, Access, and Anti-oppression Recognize the presence and impact of all forms of stigma, discrimination and marginalization on individuals and communities living with and at risk of HIV, including but not limited to anti-Indigenous and anti-Black racism, racism, sexism, ableism, HIV-related stigma, homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia, and commit to eliminating them. [...] PrIorITy PoPulaTIons ACT remains committed to providing high-quality programs and services to people living with and at risk of HIV including: Cis and Trans Gay, Bisexual, Queer Men Cis and Trans Women Cis and Trans Young people sTraTegIC dIreCTIons and objeCTIVes Strategic Direction Objectives Improve Organizational Health Become a leading employer in the not-for-profit sector.
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