cover image: Dear post-secondary, skills and training community members,


Dear post-secondary, skills and training community members,

6 Apr 2020

I know that some applied programming, like trades and health, may be more challenging to deliver online and I appreciate your continuous efforts to adjust and find safe ways for everyone to finish their studies. [...] For apprentices and trades students, I want to assure you that the Industry Training Authority is working hard to address your unique needs by providing creative pathways to support your completion. [...] We remain committed to working with Indigenous communities and institutions to ensure that training and learning is flexible and responsive. [...] For those who are continuing to deliver core services, I applaud all that you are doing to keep students and staff safe and healthy in the midst of an evolving situation. [...] We moved quickly to suspend payments on student loans, we are increasing emergency financial aid for students at every public post-secondary institution in the province, including Indigenous students, and will continue to find practical ways to support the post-secondary, skills and training sector.


Teresa Burnett

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