cover image: Strategic Energy Management Plan


Strategic Energy Management Plan

17 Oct 2020

The chart also shows the median energy intensity for fourteen (14) other post secondary campuses in BC.1 The energy data is for the calendar year 2019, which is adjusted for weather in different zones. [...] MONITORING AND REPORTING – HOW ARE WE DOING? 7.1 Energy Savings This section of the SEMP tracks the energy savings compared to the baseline and provides the means necessary to track success towards the energy reduction target, as set in Section 6.1. [...] As can be seen, at the end of Fiscal Year 2019/20, the cumulative energy savings since the base period is positive, representing a decrease in consumption in comparison to the base period. [...] COMMUNICATIONS The following communication methods currently used to keep key stakeholders informed of the energy management efforts at JIBC include: • Quarterly facility meetings - energy projects are discussed, and energy performance from utility monitoring reports reviewed with operators and management; and • Quarterly energy management reporting – results from ongoing energy management project. [...] JIBC’s path to net zero will involve various projects in the following categories: • Energy Efficiency and Behavioural The majority of JIBC’s projects completed to date are of this first category - “Energy Efficiency and Behavioural.” JIBC has had great success in achieving reduction to date in this category, and there are still opportunities to reduce further energy and emissions via energy effic.


Majid Pishvaei

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