Sex, Gender and Substance Use - Lorraine Greaves


Sex, Gender and Substance Use - Lorraine Greaves

1 Jan 2021

Issues such as gender roles and norms, identities, and institutional gender regulations and laws affect the consumption practices of women and men, girls and boys, and gender diverse people. [...] In this Special Issue Book, the authors address and report on sex, gender and sex-gender interactions in detail, and apply them to the analysis of prevalence and trends, interventions and programs, and substance use disorders. [...] This special issue identifies how various aspects of sex and gender matter in substance use, illustrates the application of sex- and gender-based analyses to a range of substances, populations and settings, and assists in progressing sex and gender science in relation to substance use. [...] The consumption of substances, both licit and illicit, whether misused or not, can affect the mental and physical health and economic status of individuals, families, communities and bystanders, contribute to overall mortality and morbidity, and pose costs to health care and criminal justice systems. [...] The articles in this special issue illustrate investigations and analyses on various aspects of sex and gender and substance use in a variety of populations and settings.
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